This Week at St. Thomas

Weekly Worship Services at 8:00 am and 9:30 am

(8:00 am in the pavilion, weather permitting)

Mark Your Calendar

Now through August 11 Backpack fundraiser for the Lighthouse

Now through August 11 Lighthouse Backpack Fundraiser (please sign up)

July 28 Finance Meeting

July 31 Ladies’ Lunch at Narcisi (please sign up)

August 3, 4 Volunteer Opportunity at Pittsburgh Grand Prix

August 10 Richland Community Day (please sign up)

August 11 Backpack donations are due

August 23 Pittsburgh Pirates Game Outing

Lighthouse Backpack Drive, Now through August 11

Once again, we will be collecting backpacks and supplies for the Lighthouse Backpack Drive. On the bulletin board in the parish hall, there is a list of supplies that are needed. We are going to commit to completely filling 12 backpacks again this year. If you haven’t noticed, Target and Walmart have great deals on school supplies right now so don’t wait to make your purchases! Please place your donations in the tote at the back of the church by next Sunday, Aug. 11. Direct questions to Diane Casavale. Thank you!   

Ladies Lunch at Narcissi, July 31

The Outreach and Fellowship Teams cordially invite all St. Thomas ladies to join us for a gathering for lunch on July 31 at 12 noon at the Narcissi Winery. Feel free to invite a friend! If you're interested in attending, please sign up on the sheet located on the bulletin board in the parish hall and indicate whether you will need a ride or are able to provide one. Please note there is currently a detour on Route 910 and you will need to take an alternative route to get to the winery. (The suggested detour is Middle Rd to Cedar Ridge Rd and left on to Rt 910) 

Animal Blessing at Orchardview Stables, July 31

Join us for a blessing of the animals at Orchardview Stables in Wexford on Wednesday, 7/31, at 7pm! Orchardview Stables is a nonprofit equine-assisted program dedicated to nurturing body, mind, and spirit through God and horses. Fr. Jay will lead us in this special blessing and time of prayer. For the safety of all involved, this animal blessing will be limited to the animals on the Orchardview Stables property, except for certified service animals. We invite you to join us in giving thanks and offering prayers for the animals of this vital program and the joy they bring to our lives. Please RSVP to Amy Baier by 7/29 if you plan to attend this meaningful event. You can reach her by calling or texting 412-974-6497. 

Volunteer at the Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix, August 3 and/or August 4

The Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix is looking for volunteers to help with Race Weekend in Schenley Park on the August 3-4 weekend. We are looking for help at the entrance gates/Donation Stations and on Flagstaff Hill for people to direct parking. Shifts are 9a-Noon and Noon-4 each day with many volunteers volunteering for the entire day and weekend. Volunteers will get a t-shirt, pin and lunch with breaks during shifts. Sign up here

The PVGP is a volunteer driven organization with 1,2000 dedicated individuals that give of their time to host one of the nation’s largest motorsport festivals and raising over $6 million for autism charities.

Please contact Cathy Dernorsek ‭(412) 956-4129 with questions. ‬‬

St. Thomas’s Dan DelBianco is the Executive Director of PVGP!‬ 

Support the Lighthouse Food Bank Delivery Fee Fund Drive!

 Did you know that years ago, St. Thomas created a grant for The Lighthouse through the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank? Yes, that's correct! In November, we provided a $3,500 grant that The Lighthouse is able to draw on each week to cover their delivery fees! The Lighthouse budgets $75 for the cost of deliveries each week but with our help, through this grant, they are able to purchase an additional $75 worth of food EVERY WEEK! Last year, the Service and Missions budget covered $2,000 and parishioner donations covered the rest.

This June and July, we are raising money to cover a larger portion of the grant so that less will need to come from the Service and Missions budget. Your donation will make a meaningful impact. Help us reach our goal of $3,000!

 When we commit to covering the delivery costs, we enable The Lighthouse to purchase more food for our community. Together, we can ensure that essential food reaches those in need and make a positive difference in our community. Join us in supporting this vital cause and help spread the light of hope through your generosity.

Richland Community Day, August 10

We are looking for enthusiastic volunteers to help man the booth and assist with parking at Richland Community Day on August 10. If you would like to get involved, please sign up on the bulletin board in the parish hall. We will also need assistance with set up from 1-3, so your help would be greatly appreciated. Let's come together as a community, young and old alike, to represent St. Thomas to the whole community. This is a fantastic opportunity to showcase our church and extend a warm invitation to our neighbors. Your participation can make a meaningful difference on this special day. Thank you for your support! Please see Kristen Puhlman or Diane Casavale for more information. 

Lay Deputies 

The Vestry is looking for volunteers to step up as Lay Deputies for the upcoming 2024 Diocesan Convention on Saturday, November 2 at St. Stephen’s in Sewickley. As a Deputy to Convention, your role will involve making decisions on Diocese matters. The main requirement for candidates is a deep-rooted love for and devotion to Jesus. You should also have a keen interest in understanding the inner workings of the church.. If you feel called to take on this important responsibility or want more details, please reach out to Fr. Jay or Patti Navilliat. Your dedication and commitment can make a real difference in shaping the future of our church community! 

Altar Flowers and Sanctuary Lamp

2024 Price for flowers: $25.00

The calendar to sign up for the Altar Flowers and the Sanctuary Lamp is posted on the bulletin board in the parish hall. In order to be sure the flowers are ordered, please do all of the following at least 3 weeks before your scheduled week. If it is less than 3 weeks in advance, please call Carol because bulletins are often done 2-3 weeks early.

Sign up on the 2024 Flower and Lamp calendar found on the bulletin board or online through the weekly email

Complete the order form-found next to the calendar on the bulletin board or in the email and return it with your payment.

Pay for the flowers using the envelope in your offertory envelopes or a blank envelope with “flowers” written on the outside or on your check

The cost of the flowers is $25.00 and the lamp is $5. If you donate both, the cost is $28.00. If you need assistance with signing up, please call Carol on her cell phone, 412-720-3129.

Prayer Requests

If you have a specific need or concern for which you would like to have someone pray, please email: We will be happy to  share your confidential request with our Prayer Warrior Team .   PLEASE DO NOT USE THIS EMAIL FOR ANYTHING BUT PRAYER REQUESTS.

In Our Prayers we pray for...


7/28 St. Alban's Anglican Church (Murrysville) The Rev. Dr. David Grissom (Linda)

8/4 Church of the Redeemer, Nashville, TN and The Rev. Andrew DeFusco (Christina), The Rev. Kenny Benge (Laura), 

The Rev. Johnmark Smith (Karisa), and The Rev. Dn. Kathy Haynes (Bill)

8/11 Christ Our Anchor Anglican Mission, Nashville, TN and The Rev. Michael Arnold (Jennifer)

8/18 Christ Our Hope, Natrona Heights and The Rev. John Bailey (Karen)

8/25 Christ Anglican Church, New Brighton and The Rev. Glenn Crytzer (Lynn), The Rev. Lawrence Deihle, The Rev. Dn. Tom Turney (Kathy), and The Rev. Dr. Dn. Tara Jernigan (Richard)


7/28 The Diocese of Cascadia and Bishop Jake Worley and his wife, Kelly; Bishop Kevin Bond Allen and his wife, Stefanie.

8/4 The Anglican Diocese of the Living Word, for Bishop Julian Dobbs, and his wife, Brenda; Bishop William Love and his wife, Karen; Bishop David Bena and his wife, Mary Ellen; and Bishop Daniel Herzog and his wife, Carol.

8/11 The Anglican Province of Rwanda and The Most Rev. Laurent Mbanda, Archbishop, and his wife, Chantal.

8/18 The Most Rev. Hosam Naoum, President Bishop of Jerusalem and the Middle East and Anglican Archbishop in Jerusalem, and his wife, Rafa.

8/25 The Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans, the Confessing Anglican Diocese in New Zealand, and The Rt. Rev. Jay Behan, Bishop, and his wife, Jaimee.

For the Spirit of Prayer                                        BCP 647

O Almighty God, you pour out on all who desire it the spirit of grace and of supplication: Deliver us, when we draw near to you, from coldness of heart and wanderings of mind, that with steadfast thoughts and kindled affections we may worship you in spirit and in truth; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

For The Peace of the World BCP 654

Almighty God, from whom all thoughts of truth and peace proceed: Kindle, we pray, in the hearts of all people the true love of peace, and guide with your pure and peaceable wisdom those who take counsel for the nations of the earth; that in tranquility your kingdom may go forward, till the earth is filled with the knowledge of your love; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


Norm and Ruby Hayden; Norma Snyder; Nancy Davidson; Bill and Polly Johnson; Joe Kosarik; Paul and Jan Jay; Eileen Meyer; Marissa Sharkey; Les and Gladys Carlyle; Ginny; Randy; Janice; Larry; Genelle; Johnny, Sammi, Kingston and Blakely; Keirah; Brittany Slicker; Linda Kuhn; Rebecca Roberts; Jerry Jankowski; Linda DeRoner; Joanna Cox; Cindy and Dave; Frank, Courtney and Natalie Murcko; Fr. Jay; Anna Marie; Maggie; Roger and Stephanie Poorman; Patti Flagg; Karen; Didi; Kathy Burke; Josie; Jill; Phil; ; Eileen Meyer; Marky; Joey; Jett; Tesla; Chance; Monica T.; Ginny; Randy; Emily; John; Peter; Victoria; Jenna; John Clark; Mary Goss; Heidi; Lucy; Mary Garrison; Joshua Martin.


Chad D.; Mike B.; Mat B,; Ty W.; Stephen M.; Scott M.; Jesse W.; Chris R.; Heidi Jean; Richard; Omar; Todd; Brian; Sonja; Corey A.; Bene K.; Clifford M.; Jordan B.; Tristan Z.; Logan; Jackson S.; and Matthew D.;  Tristin;   Dakota; Caleb M.; Colton V.; Harley.

Pastoral Needs

Home Visits or Communion

For those hospitalized or unable to attend church, home visits or Communion can be arranged easily by contacting the church office at: 724-443-1963 or emailing: Communion typically is taken to nursing homes and the homebound on the first Sunday of each month.

Pastoral Counseling

Pastoral/Spiritual counseling is available upon request. You may leave a message on the church voicemail, 724-443-1963 or call Fr. Jay, 412-977-7751, and arrangements will be made.

Pastoral Services

Please contact Manny Schnepp, 724-903-0049, if you or somebody you know in the congregation is in need of Pastoral Services such as meals or rides.

Fr. Jay’s Office Hours

Fr. Jay will be in the office on Wednesdays from 1 pm to 5 pm. You may pop in to see him, but giving him a little notice would be helpful for his planning purposes.